
Atmosphera Artigiani d'Interni

Miss Felicita, this day is yours!

What are you doing at this time? Roasting coffee,

and spreading the good aroma all around?

Guido Gozzano


Strong bonds with different styles: nice aromas, special flavours and elegant shapes and colours.

Intimacy and pleasure, communion and conviviality: essential to us to live spaces.

Passion dwells in smallest details.


Lacquering, an ancient, precious technique, enriched with an only apparently unrelated element: a bright coloured tartan motiv. Could it be a tablecloth pattern? Or the simbolic remains of an unforgotten tradition? Or even the wish to recall the old splendours? Total freedom of attributing meanings: this way, the future can be painted.


The longing to touch measures desire! The amusement of discovering lost, abandoned objects, almost covered in dust, leads us through this transformative, re-birth adventure. We have completely renewed items, dressing them with matt lacquering and unusual cuts, recalling various connections. We enhanced them. We moved from originary shapes to reach surprising new solutions, which you wish to touch with your own hand with curiosity and cheerfulness.

Nuovi Racconti

You cannot trace a limit between the past and what is considered modern. You can consider cathegories, both characterized and characterizing. The game of sets is at our disposal, infinitely increasing combination possibilities. The Nuovi racconti collection sprung from this concept: luxurious traditional handmade carving on simple, clean structures. Modernity makes past splendour blossom again.

+39 333 2898483